Ontario, CA Beers: Pretty Bland, Eh?

An Eight-pack?! Well, they got something right...

An eight-pack?! Oh…the metric system!

Canada: snow, hockey, lumberjacks, beer. That about sums it up, right? But yesterday, I said to my husband, “Hon, would you like some wine? I’m not really in the mood for beer tonight.” This is something rarely said in my home. However, the only beers we had in the fridge were in an eight-pack mixer from our vacation in Canada. I simply could not muster enough enthusiasm for my Canadian beers to pop open another 473ml can of meh.

My family and I have visited the balmy northern shores of Lake Erie every summer since before I can remember. The visit has always consisted mainly of reading on the beach, eating fresh fish and fruits, and (once I reached the Ontario, CA drinking age of 19) drinking copious amounts of beer.

I always took an inordinate amount of pride in knowing to order a Blue in Canadian bars, rather than a Labatt. Problem is, of course, that Blue isn’t all that good. It’s one of my favorite cheap beers, but I’m just not a cheap beer kinda gal. Drink it for a whole week?! You might as well make me go camping. Full disclosure: we brought up craft beer from the states. Continue reading

Red State, Blue State, Red Bread, Blue Bread

Red, White, & Blue Bread slices

Mmmm...bipartisan and delicious

Nothing makes me as tired and hungry as political punditry, and all of those election maps blazoned across TV and computer screens today reminded of a contest-winning recipe we posted a few months back. If you haven’t yet tried the Red, White & Blue Bread recipe submitted by rising Nashville star Andrew Leahey, well…consider it your civic duty to make up for that oversight now. The carbs will keep you going until the votes have been counted, regardless of whether your political leanings are more the color of sun dried tomatoes or a blob of bleu cheese. Be on the lookout for more bread tomorrow as I forge ahead in my efforts to conquer my baking fears.